Fit 2 Love Podcast with JJ Flizanes

Miriam Rahav, M.D. is a triple boarded physician in the fields of internal medicine, hospice and palliative medicine and functional medicine. Dr. Rahav is also certified in acupuncture through the Tristate School of Acupuncture. She is trained in ART through the Klinghardt Academy and importantly, in metabolic and terrain-centric approaches to oncology with Dr. Nasha Winters.

Dr. Rahav started up an integrative medicine center in the heart of New York City in 2017 where she is joined by colleagues in offering heart-centered integrative medicine to a diverse community of fellow humans.


JJ’s new business


JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the creator of the Empowering Minds Network. JJ Flizanes works with conscious, spiritual truth seekers who want to remove emotional blocks to success. She helps people identify sabotaging patterns and transmute struggle into joy. Through a series of clarifying exercises, she is able to curate a personalized roadmap to emotional healing.  JJ is passionate about empowering people with the knowledge and awareness of how they can live the life of their dreams.



Direct download: The_Love_Language_of_the_Body_F2L.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EST