Tue, 29 June 2021
David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe is the rock star and Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity multiverse. His social media posts reach millions of people each week around the world with succinct powerful inspirational quotes, news, health information and education. With over 26 years of dedicated experience and having hosted nearly 3000 live health events, David has led the environmental charge for radiant health via a positive mental attitude, eco-community building, living spring water, and the best-ever quality organic foods, wild foods, juices and herbs. David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe is the visionary founder and president of the non-profit The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation charity (www.ftpf.org) with a mission to plant 18 billion fruit, nut, and medicinal trees on Earth. David "Avocado" Wolfe, J.D., Author and Speaker, Nutritionist, Superfoodist, Orator, Herbalist, Chocolatier, Organic Farmer, Tree Planter, Agricultural Alchemist, Essene Bishop.
Use code JJ for 10% off in David’s store
Continue this conversation and more in the Inner Circle Membership! Inner Circle Membership http://jjflizanes.com/innercircle
JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcasts including People’s Choice Awards nominee Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, a best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life and The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame. Named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine, JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox, the CW and KTLA. Grab a free copy of the Invisible Fitness Formula at http://jjflizanes.com/book
Direct download: Water_Fasting_with_David_Avocado_Wolfe_F2L.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EST |
Tue, 22 June 2021
Dr. Mindy Pelz, D.C is a best selling author, keynote speaker, nutrition and functional medicine expert who has spent over two decades helping thousands of people successfully reclaim their health. She is a recognized leader in the alternative health field and a pioneer in the fasting movement, teaching the principles of a fasting lifestyle, diet variation, detox, hormones, and more. Her popular YouTube channel combines the latest science with practical lifestyle tools every person can use to reset their health. She is the host of one of the leading science podcasts, The Resetter Podcast, and the author of three best-selling books; The Menopause Reset, The Reset Factor, and The Reset Kitchen. Reset Academy: resetacademy.drmindypelz.com
Continue this conversation and more in the Inner Circle Membership! Inner Circle Membership http://jjflizanes.com/innercircle JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcasts including People’s Choice Awards nominee Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, a best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life and The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame. Named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine, JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox, the CW and KTLA. Grab a free copy of the Invisible Fitness Formula at http://jjflizanes.com/book
Direct download: Diet_Variations_for_Weight_Loss_and_Hormones_F2L.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EST |
Tue, 15 June 2021
Manifestation Bootcamp in Los Angeles in October http://jjflizanes.com/bootcamp
Become a case study! http://jjflizanes.com/casestudy
Continue this conversation and more in the Inner Circle Membership! Inner Circle Membership http://jjflizanes.com/innercircle
JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcasts including People’s Choice Awards nominee Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, a best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life and The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame. Named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine, JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox, the CW and KTLA. Grab a free copy of the Invisible Fitness Formula at http://jjflizanes.com/book
Wendy Patterson has a background in Social Services, Early Childhood Education, Level III Reiki, and including Cranial Sacral Therapy Level 1 as well as additional training through Marshall Roseburg’s Non-Violent Communication and Coaching programs.
Tue, 8 June 2021
Manifestation Bootcamp in Los Angeles in October http://jjflizanes.com/bootcamp
Alexa Fischer is a teacher, author, and entrepreneur whose work shares the common goal of helping people go after their dreams, build their confidence, and break free from fear. Get 15% off Wishbeads with code JJ http://wishbeads.com
JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcasts including People’s Choice Awards nominee Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, a best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life and The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame. Named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine, JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox, the CW and KTLA. Grab a free copy of the Invisible Fitness Formula at http://jjflizanes.com/book |
Tue, 1 June 2021
Law of Attraction Mastery Course- the ONLY time it will be live
Manifestation Bootcamp in Los Angeles in October http://jjflizanes.com/bootcamp
Continue this conversation and more in the Inner Circle Membership! Inner Circle Membership http://jjflizanes.com/innercircle
JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcasts including People’s Choice Awards nominee Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, a best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life and The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame. Named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine, JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox, the CW and KTLA. Grab a free copy of the Invisible Fitness Formula at http://jjflizanes.com/book |