Fit 2 Love Podcast with JJ Flizanes


Credentials and accolades follow the name of JJ Flizanes wherever it appears, and for good reason.  She is the Amazon Best Selling Author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life . JJ, also author of Knack Absolute Abs: Routines for a Fit and Firm Core, is America’s Guilt Free Trainer and the creator of world-class fitness programs and routines, such as the Foundations Program for the New York Sports Club and Invisible Fitness®. What sets JJ apart from her Celebrity Fitness counterparts lies in her anatomically-centered routines, which protect overworked and aging joints from catastrophic failure.


Named BestPersonal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine, JJ has been lauded by Shape Magazineas one of the top fitness trainers in 2003. Flizanes was also chosen by the fitness industry as IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year finalist for 2010. As a leader in innovative exercise, JJ has been certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and also served as a Continuing Education Provider.


JJ launched her professional career in 1996 as the Foundations Director for the New York Sports Club, where she designed curriculum and in-house certification for new and previously uncertified fitness trainers. She has also been certified by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), International Sports Science Association (ISSA), and the Resistance Training Specialist Program (RTS).  


With a focus on biomechanics, JJ has lectured for The Learning Annexand as a featured speaker for New York Times Bestselling Author of The Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Ecker’s Peak Potentials seminars, as well as corporate clients, including Pacific Gas and Electric, Hanson Engineering, and Jostens, Inc. She is the Wellness Expert for KFC International, the Health and Fitness Expert for the National Association of Entrepreneur Moms, and a Fitness Expert for Nourishing Wellness Medical Center.


A favorite of journalists and the media for her depth of knowledge and vibrant personality, JJ, a regular contributing expert for Get Active Magazine, has also been featured in many national magazines, including Women’s Health, Muscle and Fitness HERS, Elegant Bride, Fitness Magazine,and E Pregnancy Magazine, to name a few. Her television appearances include LA’s KTLA, FOX 11, CBS, and NBC.


In June of 2009, JJ introduced her most challenging and exciting program: The 6 Week Beach Body Program, in which candidates take on creating a new body and lifestyle for life. Invisible Fitness offers personal training, fitness coaching, corporate programs, workshops, and seminars. For program details, please contact the office at 1.800.571.5722 or at


In this episode, learn how to make an easy side dish and turn a vegetable into a starch replacement!


Direct download: ricetwosmallwingred.mp4
Category:general -- posted at: 5:33pm EST


Credentials and accolades follow the name of JJ Flizanes wherever it appears, and for good reason.  She is the Amazon Best Selling Author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life . JJ, also author of Knack Absolute Abs: Routines for a Fit and Firm Core, is America’s Guilt Free Trainer and the creator of world-class fitness programs and routines, such as the Foundations Program for the New York Sports Club and Invisible Fitness®. What sets JJ apart from her Celebrity Fitness counterparts lies in her anatomically-centered routines, which protect overworked and aging joints from catastrophic failure.


Named BestPersonal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine, JJ has been lauded by Shape Magazineas one of the top fitness trainers in 2003. Flizanes was also chosen by the fitness industry as IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year finalist for 2010. As a leader in innovative exercise, JJ has been certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and also served as a Continuing Education Provider.


JJ launched her professional career in 1996 as the Foundations Director for the New York Sports Club, where she designed curriculum and in-house certification for new and previously uncertified fitness trainers. She has also been certified by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), International Sports Science Association (ISSA), and the Resistance Training Specialist Program (RTS).




With a focus on biomechanics, JJ has lectured for The Learning Annexand as a featured speaker for New York Times Bestselling Author of The Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Ecker’s Peak Potentials seminars, as well as corporate clients, including Pacific Gas and Electric, Hanson Engineering, and Jostens, Inc. She is the Wellness Expert for KFC International, the Health and Fitness Expert for the National Association of Entrepreneur Moms, and a Fitness Expert for Nourishing Wellness Medical Center.


A favorite of journalists and the media for her depth of knowledge and vibrant personality, JJ, a regular contributing expert for Get Active Magazine, has also been featured in many national magazines, including Women’s Health, Muscle and Fitness HERS, Elegant Bride, Fitness Magazine,and E Pregnancy Magazine, to name a few. Her television appearances include LA’s KTLA, FOX 11, CBS, and NBC.


In June of 2009, JJ introduced her most challenging and exciting program: The 6 Week Beach Body Program, in which candidates take on creating a new body and lifestyle for life. Invisible Fitness offers personal training, fitness coaching, corporate programs, workshops, and seminars. For program details, please contact the office at 1.800.571.5722 or at



In this episode, we review why an upright row is a high risk exercise and show you proper form for an alternative exercise in the shoulder press.


Direct download: uprightrowsmalldone.mp4
Category:general -- posted at: 5:25pm EST